Sunday, May 23, 2010

AAM Challenge- My Impossible Future

This is a LO I did for the All About Me Challenge. The theme was 'My Impossible Future'. I have thought and thought about what I would scrap about for this. I was thinking three years ago, I would know exactly what to scrap about. . .So I decided to do that. The journaling says: "I grew up with the idea and expectation to get married young. Right out of high school--like my parents. When that didn't happen I thought my future looked bleak. The older I got the more my dream seemed impossible. I eventually accepted it as impossible. I After a series of events Max was born. Sometimes it still seems to good to be true. My impossible dream had become my possible future!"

I'm way late getting this LO in, I'm sorry. I just figured better late than never. Anyway, thanks for looking!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

BoBunny Mom LO Challenge- She don't know She's Beautiful

This is the Layout I did for BoBunny's challenge. The subject was "mom". I decided to do my own mother. The journaling says: "Being a scrapbooker-it's in my moms nature to want to take pictures of everyone and I'm no exception. But when the roles are reversed she starts to get cranky. She thinks she has to smile a certain way or sit just right. Contorted and tilting her head to show 'her good side' she'll finally say: "OK, take my picture." What Mom doesn't see is how beautiful she really is. You see, when I look at her I see a woman who loves me, who has always loved me. A woman who has given up everything for her family. She is talented and kind. And she is beautiful. So here you go mom-two raw pictures untouched and candid. Now take a look and see what I see when I look at you."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

MME Challenge 11: Anything Goes

This is a LO I did for MME. I used pictures of my friends daughter, Aften. The journaling says: "Aften is so strikingly beautiful, it's easy to fall in love with her; but then she giggles, and you fall even harder."

Leave me a comment and let me know what you think. Thanks for looking!